As with point data, we start by importing Folium and creating a basemap.
We then create a new choropleth layer and add this to the basemap.
import folium#create base mapbike_crime_map_interactive = folium.Map( location=[50.71671, -3.50668], zoom_start=9, tiles='cartodbpositron' )# create and add choropleth mapchoropleth = folium.Choropleth( geo_data=lsoa_2011_crime_figures_df_devon, # dataframe with geometry in it data=lsoa_2011_crime_figures_df_devon, # dataframe with data in - may be the same dataframe or a different one columns=['LSOA11NM', 'sw_5forces_street_by_lsoa_Bicycle theft'], # [key (field for geometry), field to plot] key_on='' )choropleth = choropleth.add_to(bike_crime_map_interactive)bike_crime_map_interactive
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22.1.1 Adding complexity
We can pass in additional arguments to the folium.Choropleth() call to tweak the display further.
fill_colour takes a matplotlib colourmap string to change the colours used for the scale.
fill_opacity affects how see-through (transparent) the choropleth layer is. This is a value between 0 and 1, with 1 being totally opaque and 0 being totally see-through.
line_weight affects the thickness of the outlines around different boundaries.
legend_name adjusts the label attached to the legend.
highlight highlights the LSOA shape when mouse pointer enters it if set to True; it defaults to False.
smooth_factor affects how simplified the boundaries of each region will be; 0 ensures no simplification occurs.
#create base mapbike_crime_map_interactive = folium.Map( location=[50.71671, -3.50668], zoom_start=9, tiles='cartodbpositron' )# create and add choropleth mapchoropleth = folium.Choropleth( geo_data=lsoa_2011_crime_figures_df_devon, # dataframe with geometry in it data=lsoa_2011_crime_figures_df_devon, # dataframe with data in - may be the same dataframe or a different one columns=['LSOA11NM', 'sw_5forces_street_by_lsoa_Bicycle theft'], # [key (field for geometry), field to plot] key_on='', fill_color='OrRd', fill_opacity=0.4, line_weight=0.3, legend_name='Bicycle Thefts', highlight=True, # highlight the LSOA shape when mouse pointer enters it smooth_factor=0 )choropleth = choropleth.add_to(bike_crime_map_interactive)bike_crime_map_interactive
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22.2 Tooltips
Simple tooltips can be added with this code, passing in the column of interest as well as the region label:
#create base mapbike_crime_map_interactive = folium.Map( location=[50.71671, -3.50668], zoom_start=9, tiles='cartodbpositron' )# create and add choropleth mapchoropleth = folium.Choropleth( geo_data=lsoa_2011_crime_figures_df_devon, # dataframe with geometry in it data=lsoa_2011_crime_figures_df_devon, # dataframe with data in - may be the same dataframe or a different one columns=['LSOA11NM', 'sw_5forces_street_by_lsoa_Bicycle theft'], # [key (field for geometry), field to plot] key_on='', fill_color='OrRd', fill_opacity=0.4, line_weight=0.3, legend_name='Bicycle Thefts', highlight=True, # highlight the LSOA shape when mouse pointer enters it smooth_factor=0 )choropleth = choropleth.add_to(bike_crime_map_interactive)choropleth = choropleth.geojson.add_child( folium.features.GeoJsonTooltip( ['LSOA11NM', 'sw_5forces_street_by_lsoa_Bicycle theft'], labels=True ))bike_crime_map_interactive
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22.2.1 Adding additional columns to choropleths
By adding additional columns to the list we pass in to the folium.features.GeoJsonTooltip() function, we can include as many additional columns as we would like in our choropleth.
For example:
choropleth.geojson.add_child( folium.features.GeoJsonTooltip( ['LSOA11NM','sw_5forces_street_by_lsoa_Bicycle theft','sw_5forces_street_by_lsoa_Total number crimes'], labels=True ))
Here is the full code.
#create base mapbike_crime_map_interactive = folium.Map( location=[50.71671, -3.50668], zoom_start=9, tiles='cartodbpositron' )# create and add choropleth mapchoropleth = folium.Choropleth( geo_data=lsoa_2011_crime_figures_df_devon, # dataframe with geometry in it data=lsoa_2011_crime_figures_df_devon, # dataframe with data in - may be the same dataframe or a different one columns=['LSOA11NM', 'sw_5forces_street_by_lsoa_Bicycle theft'], # [key (field for geometry), field to plot] key_on='', fill_color='OrRd', fill_opacity=0.4, line_weight=0.3, legend_name='Bicycle Thefts', highlight=True, # highlight the LSOA shape when mouse pointer enters it smooth_factor=0 )choropleth = choropleth.add_to(bike_crime_map_interactive)choropleth = choropleth.geojson.add_child( folium.features.GeoJsonTooltip( ['LSOA11NM','sw_5forces_street_by_lsoa_Bicycle theft','sw_5forces_street_by_lsoa_Total number crimes'], labels=True ))bike_crime_map_interactive
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