28  Calculating combinations of sites

Much of the time, you will start with a series of known locations for services.

These will either be:

You’ll also need a travel matrix, with

Sound familiar…?

Yep - that sounds like the travel matrices from the last section!

When we did our travel maps before, we just worked out the shortest possible distance

But now, we want to work out the shortest distance depending on which clinics are available

28.1 Representing possible combinations of sites

We then need to be able to represent these as an integer array

Let’s say we currently have four locations we deliver routine health screenings from.

Due to constraints, we’re going to have to cut it down to three.

28.1.1 Translating the problem for a computer

In our code, we will write this as a list of lists.

28.1.2 Using the itertools package for calculating combinations

And in fact, we won’t actually write it ourselves at all…

We’ll get the combinations function from the itertools package to do that for us - via a custom function.

n_facilities is the number of candidate locations where you could place facilities (e.g. clinics).

p is the number of clinics to place. This must be less than n_facilities.

This will return all possible combinations of clinic indices. How is this function working?

28.1.3 Larger problems

It turns out someone forgot to tell us about one of the practices!

But they are still just looking to drop it down to 3 practices.

So how many combinations can we get now?

Well, these are all of the possibilities.

Let’s add numeric indices to these for ease.

That was a bit of a pain to work out… so you can see why it’s really useful to have a function that will work this out for us when we get to bigger numbers of combinations!

But just how big can the number of combinations get?

28.2 Calculating the number of combinations

We can use the formula below to work out the total number of possible combinations in a scenario where the order of options doesn’t matter and you can’t repeat options in an answer.


The ! isn’t just emphasising things here.

It is the mathematical symbol for factorial.

So if we have 5 options, the top of our fraction is 5!, or 5 factorial.

This is 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1

2! = 2 x 1

3! = 3 x 2 x 1

10! = 10 x 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1

28.3 Limitations of brute-force problems

The key thing to note is that the number of combinations can get out of hand very quickly…

If you’re working at the level of a single trust, or with some fairly centralised services for an ICB, you’ll probably be ok.


There are ways to deal with situations where there are too many possibilities to ‘brute force’ - but it’s quite a tricky area to wrap your head around!

We’ll briefly cover this concept a bit later today, but we won’t cover how to do it in code or go into much detail about the process.

However, - we will link additional materials if you want to dive into this further - there are some members of the HSMA community with experience in this area if this is a route you need to go down for your HSMA project

28.4 References

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