11  Additional Exercises and Resources - Your First Python

11.1 Coding Notebooks

Dr Pawel Orzechowski of the University of Edinburgh has made a range of programming exercises freely available.

You can visit his Code Storytelling website here to watch some additional videos that go with these exercises.

Practice running code, making variables, strings, printing, simple data types, casting, user input, simple mathematical operations: Open In Colab

Get more practice with basic code, understanding errors, and variable types: Open In Colab

11.2 Sololearn

There is a course on Sololearn called ‘Introduction to Python’

This has some interactive code exercises that build up more gradually. You do have to sign up for a free account - but you don’t need to sign up for the pro trial or a pro account to access 90% of that particular course.

There is also an app version of this site for your phone/tablet so you can fit in practice on the go or whenever you have a spare moment.