Looking at projects undertaken by teams more widely across the NHS and academia could give you additional inspiration for your own project.
Click on the project title to read a summary and find links to more details.
Not all authors are listed in the summary pages - we have just provided the names of those involved in the projects who are part of the HSMA community or the HSMA trainers have some link with (and may therefore be able to link you up with too).
Improving Hospital Discharge Flow
Discrete Time Simulation, Hospital Discharge
Can Agent Based Simulation be used as a tool to support polypharmacy prescribing practice?
Discrete Event Simulation, Prescribing
Which factors most influence demand for ambulances in South West England?
System Dynamics, Ambulance Services
How can consultant-led childbirth care at time of delivery be maximised?
Geographic Modelling, Location Optimization, Multi-objective Geographic Optimization, Genetic Algorithm, Maternity
The impact of minor injury unit closures on travel time and attendances
Minor Injury Units, Emergency Departments, Travel Times, Geographic Modelling
Reducing delays in the diagnosis and treatment of muscle-invasive bladder cancer using simulation modelling
Discrete Event Simulation, Cancer
Which factors are driving increasing demand for community nursing? A qualitative System Dynamics approach
Discrete Event Simulation
Simulation Modelling of Dialysis Patient Transport
Travel Time, Monte-Carlo Modelling
What would other emergency stroke teams do? Using explainable machine learning to understand variation in thrombolysis practice
Machine Learning, Explainable AI, Monte Carlo Simulation Model
Improving the design and organisation of neonatal care networks – a computer simulation study
Discrete Event Simulation, Neonatal care, Maternity, Staffing Guidelines, Cost Analysis
Reducing Queues for Community Mental Health Assessments in Devon by Simulating Queue-sharing Scenarios
Discrete Event Simulation, Community Mental Health, Appointment Scheduling
Predicting Ambulance Call, Incident and Response data by hour or by day over a 6 week to 1 year forecast horizon
Forecasting, Ambulance Services, Staff Scheduling
Turning hospital EHR data into predictions of emergency demand for beds
Machine Learning, Bed Capacity, Emergency Department, Admissions
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